Basim Magdy, When thought evades the great thinker and death becomes light, 2012,c print & silver text (2nd. edition), 52x45 cm.
Basim Magdy, When thought evades the great thinker and death becomes light, 2012,c print & silver text (2nd. edition), 52x45 cm.

Basim Magdy, Silence and miscommunication held their hearts together, 2012,c print & silver text 1(st edition), 52x45 cm.
Basim Magdy, Silence and miscommunication held their hearts together, 2012,c print & silver text 1(st edition), 52x45 cm.

Basim Magdy, There is no pleasure here. There is no ertertainment, 2012, C Print & silver text (2nd edition), 52x45 cm.
Basim Magdy, There is no pleasure here. There is no ertertainment, 2012, C Print & silver text (2nd edition), 52x45 cm.

Basim Magdy, Their silence changed colors as they alienated him more, 2012,c print & silver text (1st edition), 52x45 cm.
Basim Magdy, Their silence changed colors as they alienated him more, 2012,c print & silver text (1st edition), 52x45 cm.

Basim Magdy, I started taking daily notes of my non-existence, 2012,c print & silver text (1st edition), 52x45 cm.
Basim Magdy, I started taking daily notes of my non-existence, 2012,c print & silver text (1st edition), 52x45 cm.

Basim Magdy, I started taking daily notes of my non-existence, 2012,c print & silver text (1st edition), 52x45 cm.